Enough Love by Ken Donaldson

I was out for a run the other morning (yes, despite the physique I do run. I also eat) and was listening to a random music selection. An oldie by Genesis, Land of Confusion, came on. I smiled wryly as I listened to the lyrics. Lines such as ‘Too many problems’ and ‘losing control by the hour’ certainly resonated.

The past few weeks have been simply unbelievable. The initial adrenaline rush brought on by the Covid 19 crisis has started to dissipate and the realisation of what is coming and how this will affect us is sinking in. The purpose of this blog is not to discuss all the plans we are working through and what needs to happen over the next few days and weeks to make us as ready for this as we can be. The purpose of this blog is to talk about us. When I say us I was thinking NHS D&G but in reality I realise I mean everyone working together with the NHS through these difficult times; social workers, carers, police, council, fire and safety, third sector etc etc. Actually what I now realise is that I mean the People of Dumfries and Galloway. All of us.

What I have witnessed over the past few weeks has been a simply astonishing response to this impending crisis. Those in the critical areas; Primary and Community Care, Emergency Dept, Combined Assessment Unit, Critical Care Unit have stepped forward with plans to significantly alter services and ensure they can cope. Those in other areas less critical stepping forward to offer their skills and time to support services in any way they can.

All this is amazing and, I can’t deny, that when I have been feeling particularly stressed, it has made me feel emotional. But its the small things that have brought on the tears; the catering assistant when I was paying for my lunch who gently laid her hand on my arm and asked if I was ok (I know, she shouldn’t have, infection control etc but it was a lovely gesture), the colleague making a point of stopping me to ask if I was all right, another who offered a hug. I mention these for a specific reason.

Whilst I may be feeling a little stressed just now in a few weeks we are all going to be facing simply unprecedented pressures. Quite a few of us will be sick with this virus, we will have friends and family suffering and work will be relentless. We need to cling on to these small gestures. Simple acts of kindness are going to help keep us going through the dark times.

I was at a meeting with Valerie White, Interim Director of Public Health, and she said words to this effect “This is going to be really hard and we all need to work together but I can say without any shadow of a doubt that there is nowhere else I would rather face this than Dumfries and Galloway. The commitment I am seeing from everyone and the willingness to work together is amazing.” I can only echo Valerie.

Returning to that song, Land of Confusion, there was another line that stuck out; “There’s not enough love to go round”. Now this is one I totally disagree with, in Dumfries and Galloway I think there is enough love to go round, and then some.

Take care everyone. We can do this together.

KD Covid 2

Ken Donaldson is Medical Director at NHS Dumfries and Galloway

*Image taken from “The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse” by Charlie Mackesy

31 thoughts on “Enough Love by Ken Donaldson

  1. Excellent blog, Ken.
    Amongst a host of talented, dedicated and compassionate people in our public services, we are very lucky to have you as one of our leaders.

  2. Don’t know you personally Ken but I enjoy your blogs a heart felt script to read this morning. The good folk of this region will get through this. Thank you

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts at what must be an incredibly difficult time. I totally agree that the communities of Dumfries and Galloway have more than enough love to go around and are already leading the way! #SupportDG is one way for us all to show our support for each other.

  3. Thanks Ken, this is so appreciated, like you feeling quite stressed by these events and what’s to come. I too echo Valerie’s comment, and yours…..we can do this together!

  4. My seven year old broke down in tears when he left school on Wednesday – ‘I am so frightened mummy. I am really worried about all the people that are going to get sick.’. I reassured him by reminding him of all the amazing people we have around us. I told him that every day I witness the most incredible kindness, bravery and determination, and from that comes great hope. Whatever you need from us Ken, we are with you. Take care.

  5. Ken, I have been thinking similar thoughts as time draws nearer and pray every day for the safety of everyone in our region. This situation reminds me of when I was a child and thought the harder I prayed the bigger the difference it would make, well I am using that tactic again. Like everyone I think of the staff everyday and hold them in my heart.

  6. Thank you, Ken. This mirrors my thoughts and I am also encouraged by seeing so many people around me willing to work differently, pulling together and supporting each other. We can do this together.

  7. My 8-year-old granddaughter is struggling to make sense of what is happening and is also stressed. After a lot of thought she said to her mother: “You know what? Why don’t we just all go to Mars and make that our world?” She is trying to protect us all and thinking outside the box. Exactly what we all need to do in the unpredictable days ahead. I felt emotional on hearing her suggestion and I felt the same emotion reading your blog Ken. Caring brings out the best of us.

  8. Great blog Ken. I’m reassured when I remember the expertise, experience, dedication and care that we have in abundance. I can’t think of a better team I’d be in a pickle with.

  9. A very good blog during a period where we are all sensitive and worried. A reminder of how kindness is important just now and works like fuel for all of us. Thank you so much for leading with kindness.

  10. Lovely blog Ken, I have hardly seen you and know how stressful this all is for you and everyone so encouraging little messages like this are extremely welcomed.

  11. Well said Ken!
    People are scared and dealing with this as best they can, we may not always agree with the way they do it but we need to be non-judgemental and kind to get through it together.

    I agree that we have an amazing group of people around us. I am so proud of the teams I work in and around – pharmacy, mental health and SDAS – at the work they’ve done even just in the last few days; pulling together and making plans as best we can to look after out patients and the people around us.

    There has still been laughter through the stress, and that’s our key to surviving this; our people – we laugh, we talk to each other, send each other memes and jokes and ask “how are YOU doing?”.
    Please all find a way to have laughter and a moment of peace every day to keep your own resilience and mental wellbeing.

    With regards and my utmost respect

  12. Right there with you Ken. The kindness and love I’ve seen from colleagues and partners is inspirational. Tough times ahead we’ll need to support each other. I’m here ready to help ❤️

  13. Been thinking about your words all day Ken, as I prepare myself for what comes next.
    I’m very privileged to work with such a fantastic team of people and there is certainly a lot of love to share around within out team in the very challenging days and and weeks ahead of us.

  14. Thank you for sharing Dr Donaldson. Your post has brought me to tears – very emotional. We are all human no matter what our profession and need support. The little things go a long way. I am thankful to the tremendous team of Doctors, nurses, physios, specialists, domestics, porters and so on that are facing this pandemic with such expertise and compassion. I am like many others very worried and unsure about the future but know we are in this together and we will do what is needed. I am proud to work for the NHS. Much love to everyone. Good luck and take care x

  15. Thanks Ken, we all are feeling it with you, the anxiety and the solidarity. Thanks for being such a good sort!! It really helps, and we will look back on this having learned a lot and feeling the bonds that bind us more than ever. Grateful for you and all the team making these difficult plans, Lucy

  16. Pingback: Humbling by Ken Donaldson | dghealth

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